Thursday, March 18, 2010

March Haps

I realize we lost an hour this week, but why does it feel as if I've lost about 20 instead? I have a million posts to make, but it feels as if I just don't have time to sit and write (Which incidentally is a bummer. I'm kind of digging it!), so instead I'm just going to mush the first 2 1/2 weeks of March into one big 'ol post. Maybe that will help me get back on track!

So far this month we have...

Been to the doctor ('member I told you our good news here?)

Celebrated Gram's 72nd Birthday

I must explain the candles. We didn't have any regular birthday candles (I'm not naming any names about who was supposed to bring them. I'm just saying, it wasn't me...), just a few random numbers, so we were resourceful. We had a 5, 3, 3, and 1. We decided 5+3-1=7 and 3-1= 2. That gave us 72! Clever, huh? This was a bitter sweet birthday celebration because Gramps' birthday is 3 days before Gram's and for 55 years they have always celebrated their birthdays together. This year Gram had to blow the candles out all by herself. She did an excellent job and Donna hosted a great party. Caden enjoyed himself as well...

He got to "share" Grandpa K's beer and... with Nana's "treasures!"

Caden has also learned how fun cabinets can be. Here is what he did while I cooked dinner one night.

Do you see his onesie? It says, "I love Mommy..."

And how do I feel about that? Well...

We also got to play with my parents while they were here for two weeks.

We went to the mall and played at the play area

We went to dinner at the White Fence Farm. It was Caden's first trip to our favorite chicken place, and although it was too cold to play outside and pet the animals, he still loved it, and we had visions of the fun we would have in the future!

Caden also got a lot of play time with Grammy and Papa
Papa cheated. He totally had the faster truck!

Wow, and that was only the first half of March?!? Yikes, I can't imagine what the rest of the month will hold!

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