Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Double Digit Baby

Aaaugh, my baby is now in the double digits - 10 months old!

Today I (along with my mom) took Caden back to the doctor for his growth check. No worries here, he looks great!

He is still 28.5 inches long (55%)

20 lbs (29% - although he only gained .7 lb in a month, we were all pleased he had gained any weight considering how sick he was for half of the month. He easily could have lost and then regained close to 2 lbs over the month)

His head was 17.5 inches. This is the reason that we had to go back - because his head had grown an inch in 3 months. For those not keeping track (ha!), his head was 17 in. at 6 months, 18 in. at 9 months, and 17.5 inches at 10 months. Hmmm, the doctor is pretty sure that heads don't shrink, so she's guessing that his head was mismeasured at 9 months. Whew!

She still wants me to take him to get his vision and hearing checked. I have been round and round with our insurance company about pediatric opthamology, but they finally found someone at Children's Hospital that I could take him to, so we're headed waaaaay down there on 3/22. I am also going to take him for a hearing screening the next day on 3/23. Seriously, how do people work and take their children to the doctor all the time?!?

She thinks that we can delay the developmental evaluation until after 12 months because he looks so good. We talked about his motor, communication, problem solving, and social skills. She witnessed his amazing motor skills (crawling all over the office, pulling up on the chair all the way up on his toesies!) and social skills (smiling and laughing at everyone that came in), and we talked a lot about the problem solving and communication skills. She is still a little concerned about his communication skills (words, waving bye-bye, etc.), which is why she wants to test his hearing; to make sure he is hearing the words we're saying. I'm fine with that. I really think his communication will come just like everything else he does - nothing and then all of a sudden he will be talking in complete sentences!

I was so relieved to hear all of the good news! I have definitely learned a good lesson through all of this - make sure you fill out all questionnaires very carefully and don't be too hard on your kiddo! Must be the teacher in me! :)

1 comment:

Auntie Kelly said...

He is growing so much. Thanks for the picture. he is on my fridge:) Such a handsome little man.