Although Caden is "all boy,"he is sometimes a little timid. He doesn't always like to try new things. He's very comfortable with the things he knows thankyouverymuch.
We have been trying to get him to go down a covered, tunnel slide for years now. No thank you, too scary! The other day we were at a nearby park that had a tunnel slide. Of course I tried to coerce him into going down it. He walked up to the top and looked down. He let tons and tons of kids go in front of him. Nope, it's "sca-wee." I asked him if he wanted me to go down to the bottom so he could see me, and by the time I got down there, there he was!
Here's how our conversation went afterwards:
Me: "Caden, you did it! You're so brave!"
Caden: "I'm just like Caillou!"
M: "Caillou? What do you mean?"
C: "Caillou was scared to go down the big slide too, but he did it. I'm like Caillou!"
Well, thanks Caillou!
And then he went down the slide over, and over, and over, and over, and over...