Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Two Year Stats

In case you missed the memo, Caden is now two! Today we went for his 2 year well child (officially not a well baby anymore) visit. Lots of things are different when you reach the two year mark - I no longer had to strip him down and sit him on the scale. When you're two you stand on the big scale. Serious business. Thankfully, they also stop measuring head circumference. This is good news for us.

As usual, Caden P charmed everyone. He talked from the time we walked into the office until the time we left. The Doctor is not concerned about communication :) He did great on both his developmental and physical evaluation. The doctor said his ears are clear and that he has not gotten his two year molars yet (that should be a good time!)

He was 26lbs 8oz (30%). That was a little surprising to me because he is eating like a horse and feels like he weighs 56lbs. Then they measured his length and I realized where all the food is going - he is 35in (70%). I guess he did hit a growth spurt, it was just in his length, not his weight! 6 months ago he was 24lbs 9.6oz (30%) and 32.5in (50%), so he gained 2lbs and grew almost 3in. in 6 months. I have no idea if that is average or not, I just like numbers!

I have often times heard that as soon as you get their schedule down they change it up on you - I agree wholeheartedly! Apparently 2 year olds do not need to sleep 15 hours a day. Huh, weird. Almost overnight he has shaved a good 45min to an hour off his nap and his night. So instead of sleeping 12 hours at night and 3 hours during the day, he's closer to 11 - 11 1/2 at night and 2-2 1/2 during the day. The doctor assures me this is normal, but I miss the good 'ol days!

And, just because I can't bear the thought of posting this without including any pictures, here are a couple I took just this afternoon - Caden with his newest friend, Beckam

This picture is cute for two reasons - First, Caden had to go upstairs and get his "yell ba-dee" for Beckam - so sweet! Second, I love the look that Caden is giving Beckam - who are you and what are you doing here?!?

And just for little baby fun and comparison, here is sweet Beckam (7 weeks)

and here is Caden at 8 weeks, sitting in the same chair

Yep, the good 'ol days

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