The finished product...
Pretty good for the first attempt, huh? Welcome home GaGa and Papa!!
The finished product...
Pretty good for the first attempt, huh? Welcome home GaGa and Papa!!
I can't remember how I answered that question,
but I don't have any doubt whether or not he can do it now!
Take that developmental evaluation!
That's 9 blocks in case anyone is counting - and yes, if you couldn't tell from the wobbly tower, he did it all by himself.
Nice job, CP!
The directions were a little complicated
so they called in a reinforcement
who was super helpful
We decided that, if nothing else, he could always slide down the hot tub
Luckily, the master carpenters were successful and Caden is really excited about it!
The slide still needs to be attached, but he was able to swing to his little heart was content
Which took a very long time
because "Cay-Cay's pawk" is "bun!"
And, in other unrelated news, this is the knife I had to use to unlock our bedroom door after Caden locked himself inside.
I think I'll keep this handy. Something tells me I'll need it again soon.
I don't have many pictures of our visit there because honestly, it was hard for my littlest friend. It took him awhile, but he figured out there were toys in that bag. Toys he couldn't play with. Toys he was giving to this (nice, very sweet and understanding) lady. He, much to the embarrassment of his mommy and daddy, pitched a fit in the volunteer office. We had a talk and decided to try it again. Time #2 went slightly better. He didn't want to help carry the toys, but he didn't yell either. I'll call that success. So I only have one picture of the boys, but at least it's enough to prove we were there
One thing he did like about the hospital was there super cool train display they had set up. Caden P loves him some choo-choos. The had a neat train set made out of Legos, but we didn't get any pics of that because JZ had the camera and he was lovin' the old-school choo-choo set
Complete with a Coors rail car
This was a huge learning experience for both of us. CP, in his little two-year old way, learned a lesson in giving. And giving good stuff. That's hard. JZ and I learned how blessed and lucky we are. We may have to deal with temper tantrums, but we have never had to spent a night at the hospital with our child. The Children's Hospital is a wonderful, brand new, state of the art facility with amazing doctors and nurses and are preforming miracles every day. And I hope we never have to go there. We both agreed that we would rather deal with a million fits than have to spend even one night in that wonderful facility. We both have a soft spot for Children's because they took such wonderful care of our Paige (Jeremy's little cousin that was diagnosed with liver cancer when she was two and is now a lively 8 1/2 year old!). I'm so glad we have a facility for kiddos so near us, but I hope our only visit is to drop off toys! Thank you again to our friends and family that donated toys so that we could all have this valuable learning experience!
Yep, the good 'ol days
He found puppy at GaGa and Papa's house in FL. My mom has had this white, stuffed lovie for several years. Once Caden saw it, it was true love.
GaGa tried to keep Puppy in FL so he would have something to play with when we visit. CP was having none of that. Puppy needed to come home with us.
Puppy also sleeps with Caden (check out the next to last picture. See Puppy in there?) and often times accompanies us on exciting outings such as the grocery store.
GaGa and Papa, this post is just for you. To let you know that Puppy is still loved and cared for.
I hope Puppy doesn't get a complex about his name 'cause, ya know he's not actually a puppy, but a bear. Whatever, I think Puppy is tough.
One thing CP did not do that day was nap. We put him down for a nap in his pack-n-play with no problems. 30 minutes later JZ went inside and heard, "Hi, Daddy." He turned around and CP was standing on the stairs! He had crawled out of the pack-n-play, opened the bedroom door, and walked out. We put him down again - in another room, in the middle of the floor, with the door shut tightly - and it wasn't 5 minutes before he was knocking on the inside of the door saying, "Night-night all done." Apparently he is now a big boy. Luckily, he hasn't crawled out of his crib yet, but it won't be much longer!
After his no-nap, we opened presents and had cake. There were two cakes for the birthday kids. A little Elmo cake for CP
and another one for JZ and DeeDee
They were super yummy!
Two of the greatest blessings in the world is to have a mom and to be a mom and I'm thankful that my boys made the day so special for me