Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Totally Prepared Now!

On Saturday we took a childbirth class. We were supposed to get another big snow storm on Sat., and I was a little worried that we were going to have the same type of childbirth class experience my parents did. They went to one class and watched a video about how they got pregnant. The second class was snowed out, and by the third class they had already become parents because I came so early. My dad went to the fourth class and asked for a refund. :)

We took the express class - that was all I could talk JZ into committing to - everything you need to know about labor and delivery in 6 hours. We went into the class with several questions that we had answered, but also left with new fears and anxieties. Sometimes I think ignorance is bliss. Maybe I didn't really need to know the risks associated with an epidural or watch the ladies on the video whither in pain for 30+ hours. Possibly I didn't need to hear about some of the yucky (bodily function) things that could happen on the delivery table or that I could throw up (my worst nightmare!). Worse yet, there are going to be other people around. Anytime these gross things happen to me, I prefer to be in the privacy of my own home. NEVER would I want to be sick in front of an audience! If I thought there was any possible way I could get through this without Jeremy I'd make him wait in the hallway too. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure I can't do this without him, so he's going to have to deal with the possibilities, and I'm going to have to get over it!

Other than the scary stuff, our class was informative and helpful. We learned when to go to the hospital - the 5-1-1 rule - contractions 5 min. apart, that last for one minute consistently for one hour. We also learned some relaxation and pain management techniques and positions. My favorite part was the 15 min. back/head/hand/foot massage I got. I think I will be requesting that technique frequently! JZ was also supposed to practice whispering his encouraging words to me. That part did not work quite as well. He kept being a smart alec because he said it was uncomfortable to "Whisper sweet nothings in your ear while there's a room full of people watching!" I totally understand, and JZ passed the class with flying colors. I know he is going to be an excellent support system. He says he's a little worried about watching me be in pain and not be able to do anything about it. He is a total "fixer," and to not be able to fix the situation will be hard for him. We have discussed a birth plan, but I have already told him that I reserve the right to change my mind in the moment!

So, I guess that's it. We're officially prepared for childbirth! Hmmm...I wonder if we should feel a little more confident?

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I'm glad the class went well Linds! Don't worry about people being in the room, and all of the "icky" things your body might do. Everyone in there is completely experienced, and they're used to seeing everything. Even though it's your first time, it's not theirs (thank God!). One of the things I've seen parents do for relaxation is bring ipod or stereo with "baby mix" of relaxing music to help drown out "medical machinery sounds". Also, I never saw a really active woman take >24 hrs for labor. Usually the really long labors are young women or teens who haven't done much preparation. It sounds like you've kept active, and that will help. Let me know if you have any other questions!! Congrats!!