Saturday, March 31, 2012

Two Weeks Old!

It's hard to believe that we're already two weeks in to being a family of four!  What have we been doing?  Well, I'm not really sure.  I know some of us have been doing a lot of eating, sleeping, and pooping.  There are benefits to birthing someone the size of a 6 week old - Asher is eating like a champ and then is able to give us some pretty good stretches of sleep.  He was able to get his days and nights figured out and is sleeping anywhere from 5-7 hours at a time at night!  Amazing for a two week old, right? 

We've also been doing a lot of swinging

and hanging out in the bouncy seat (everybody is a fan of this one!).

We've also watched movies in the boppy

and played with Belle.

JZ (with some help from Papa and Travis) has been busy planting a tree in the front yard

Caden was been working on his "sharing" skills (if that's what you can call it!),

One night after Caden had gotten down from the table and the rest of us were finishing up, he came running in and said, "I share my toys with Asher!"  I said, "That's so nice of you!"  Then I started thinking that might not have been so nice.  So I went scurrying into the living room where Asher was swinging and this is what I found - all of Caden's favorite toys on top of Asher.  Isn't that sweet?  At least he left a little hole for him to breathe out of!

He's also been "playing" with his brother,

and doing chores.

Both boys have  been getting a lot of snuggle time in with Mommy and Daddy too.

We've also been to the doctor twice.  Asher had to go in for his 3 day appointment the day after we got home and we took CP with us in hopes of getting a two-for-one because this is what Caden looked like when we got home from the hospital 

Luckily, they were able to get us in and CP got some antibiotics for an ear infection.  His ear infection has cleared up and he's no longer sleeping on the couch all day.  Bummer.  Asher got two thumbs-up check-ups!  At 3 days he was 8lbs 6.4oz (down from 8lbs 11oz at birth) and was 20.5in (down from 21in at birth).  At two weeks (which was really 12 days) he was 8lbs 12.8oz and 20in long!  Hooray he surpassed his birth weight by 2 weeks!  You might notice that he appears to be shrinking.  According to the doctor's measurements he has shrunk an inch since birth.  I'm thinking they just didn't stretch him out as much.  Either that or his cone head was really pointy at birth.  Whatever, I think he's fine!

All in all, I think we're doing pretty well.  Right now, Caden probably watches too much TV, and Asher probably spends too much time in the swing, but it's the best I can do while we're in survival mode.  And really, who doesn't love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?!?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Brotherly Love

Be still my beating heart.  I have been dreaming of the moment that Caden met his baby brother for nine months now.  We tried to prepare Caden the best we could.  We talked about his brother, we decorated and then played in his room, and when we talked about our family we always included Asher.  But really, how can you prepare a two year old for his world to be rocked?  We didn't know what we were in for and Caden CERTAINLY didn't know. He was pretty excited to burp the baby, I'm just not sure he was ready for the baby to come and live with us.  Forever.  And sit with his mommy.  A lot.

Before going to the hospital, JZ and I took Caden to his favorite toy store so he could pick out a birthday present for his brother.  He picked out a soft football that Asher is sure to love - in a few months from now.

Caden couldn't come to the hospital until Saturday because of his fever, but bright and early Saturday morning Papa and Gaga brought #1 to meet his "brudder."  I was giddy with excitement when they called and said they were on their way.  I couldn't wait to hold everyone in my arms at the same time.  I was not disappointed!
Caden was super excited to give Asher his birthday present.  Of course Asher loved it!

Asher also gave Caden an "I'm so glad you're my brother present" - the biggest bulldozer he could find.  Who wouldn't love their baby brother if they got the world's largest bulldozer from them?

Holding both boys was an unbelievably emotional experience for me.  I look so fantastic in these pictures because I was crying tears of absolute joy.  Having our whole family together was the BEST moment of my life.  Hands down.  
That evening Caden brought Papa and Gaga back for another visit.  We ordered pizza and had cake for Asher's birthday.  

This time Caden REALLY wanted to hold his "brudder"

When he realized that he was not going to be able to hold him without a little help, he asked to lay down with him instead.
He was so sweet with him!  It was everything I had dreamed of and more.

Now that we're home,  Caden is adjusting well to being a big brother.  He loves Asher to bits and wants to kiss him, share his toys with him (Gotta' watch that one.  Sometimes the toys end up on Asher's face!), and see him.  He's been a little emotional, which I think is to be expected.  He's very concerned that I'm going to leave again.  He cries when I leave the room to go to the bathroom and talks about me going to the hospital and being "sickie" daily.  It's a huge adjustment for him and he's doing great - he just needs a little extra lovin' these days.

So, although being a family of 4 is still an adjustment for all of us, we're pretty darn happy to all be together!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Team Zahrte 4.0!

 The newest member of Team Zahrte is here!  Our sweet Asher Robert arrived on Friday, March 16 at 10:45am, weighing in at a whopping 8lbs 11oz and was 21in long.  Yes, that's right, I birthed a 6 week old!

I had been in for my regularly scheduled check up on Monday, and the midwife determined that I was subconsciously waiting for my mom to arrive from Florida on Wednesday.  So, I called and told her not to miss her flight!  On Wed. night I was sure I was going to go into labor - not because I was having contractions, but because JZ and I were up all night with a sickie Caden.  Poor kid threw up 6 times in 3 hours.  It was awful and he was so pathetic.  I took Thurs. off because I was going to take full advantage of him wanting to snuggle with me.  It ended up being a good idea because "stuff" began happening and I knew Asher was close.  I did have to go into school that evening for conferences, and I made some lesson plans -just in case.  To be on the safe side, my mom spent Thurs. night with us because she said she'd rather do that than get a phone call at 3am.  Good thinking, because at 3:00am my contractions started!  I woke JZ up around 3:30 to help me time them.  At 4:00am we called the doctor and started getting ourselves ready.  Unfortunately it took about 45 min. for them to call me back because the midwife was in a delivery.  By the time they called back I was READY to go.  My contractions were about 50 seconds long and 5 min apart at that point.  In the car on the way there they consistently went to 1 min. long and 3 min apart.  Wow!  I was praying that I was dilated to at least 4cm so I could have an epidural.  When we walked in with all of our stuff the admitting lady said, "Wow, you guys are prepared!"  I said, "If anyone tries to send me home, I'm revolting!"  By 6:00am I was in the bed and they checked me - 7.5cm dilated and 80% effaced.  Holy cow, get me an epidural NOW!  It took a little over an hour to get the blood work done, and to get the epidural in.  It took two times to get the epidural catheter in, but at least my blood pressure didn't drop as far as it did last time and I didn't throw up!  By 8:00am I was a happy camper again.

When they checked me again at about 8:30am I had not progressed any.  We decided that since I already had the epidural and was not interested in a natural delivery (more power to those of you that do, wow!) they were going to speed this process along.  So, they broke my water and gave me a shot of pitocin.  That did the trick and by 9:30am I was ready to push!   

This was my birth plan - labor, push baby.  Sounds good to me!

Once again, Emily, the labor coach of the century was there!  She didn't have to do as much this time during the labor part, but she stayed with me for HOURS afterwards while everyone else was able to go home, shower, take care of Caden, etc.  Love you Em!
Let's do this - we're ready to meet our boy!

I pushed for an hour before he crowned - that big 'ol 13 1/4 in. head just did not want to get under my pelvic bone.  They let JZ put gloves on and catch Asher just like he caught Caden.  So cool!  15 minutes after he crowned he was here!
Absolute pure joy - welcome to the world little love!

In case you're not up on your grams to pounds conversion, that is 8lbs 11oz!

Unfortunately, on his way out, Asher sucked in a little fluid and a little meconium.  The nurses were a little concerned that he was not "pinking up" like he should and that his breathing was a little labored, so they called in a baby nurse from the transitional nursery ( a step down from the NICU).  She looked him over, gave him some pressure in his lungs to help pump out the junk, and then decided that although he was going to be fine, she wanted to take him to the transitional nursery just to monitor him for a little while.  JZ was able to carry him down there, so I felt good that he was going to be alright. 
I told him not to come back without that baby!

He was in there about an hour while they monitored him and then gave him his first bath.

Then we were all together again and ready to be moved to the recovery room

Then Asher was able to meet (almost) all of his "people"
When Papa heard that things were moving along on Thursday, he changed his flight to come in on Friday instead of Tuesday.  He arrived at 11:30am, but because Asher had to go to the transitional nursery, no one got to hold him for a few hours.  Papa was actually the first one to hold him once we arrived in the recovery room.
Nana and Grandpa Kim
The proud grandparents
Travis was the official driver - he picked Papa up at the airport and drove him as fast as he could to the hospital.  Good thing he's a cop!
Great Gram

The Team

And just in case you thought we'd lost our sense of humor, here we are again...

Stay tuned for the next installment of Team Zahrte 4.0, including Asher meeting his big brother!