Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Why Do I Bother?

Caden has been practicing his walking skills recently. We have shown him how to use his walkers to move around the room. No thank you. As I have mentioned before, he would rather use a chair, the trash can, or his high chair. I think it's because they go a little slower than the walkers on wheels. Now, C has found a new walker - his slide. Yep, you read that right, his new slide makes an excellent walker - at least Caden thinks so. The only bummer is that he runs it into the furniture. Frequently.

Why do I even bother buying toys?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Last week we celebrated JZ's 33rd Birthday - wow, that is OLD! We had a great Mexican dinner and birthday cake at home with the family

Caden decided Daddy's cake was better than his

This picture absolutely melts my heart

And just for fun, here is JZ's birthday last year - with 11 day old Caden P - wow!

Happy Birthday to my handsome, loving, funny, compassionate, hard working, kind, and loyal hubby. I love you JZ!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


We ate, we laughed, we celebrated, we opened presents, and smashed cake. We par-tayed like we were all one again. I have about a million pictures of that beautiful day, but here are just a few of my very favorites

Once again, we were overwhelmed by the generosity and love from our friends and family. Thank you to everyone that celebrated our little man here and from afar. Caden is a lucky, lucky boy, and so are we!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Once again my friend, Courtney, came through for us. Remember Courtney? She's the one who took our fantastic Christmas card pictures. Anyway, I totally pilfered this great idea from our family friend, Ryan Zook. He took some fantastic pictures of his son, Brayden, smashing a big ginormous cupcake on his 1st birthday. I loved it and had to have it too, so I enlisted Courtney's help. We set up a photo shoot in our living room (that's our old sheet C is sitting on!), I baked a rather largish cupcake, and we let him go to town. Our shoot took place the day before he was diagnosed with hand, foot, and mouth, so he's not overly smiley, but he really didn't need to be for these pictures. I love, love, love them!

Thanks for the idea, Ryan, and for taking such beautiful pictures, Courtney!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010