Sunday, July 26, 2009

Buffalo Bill Days

This weekend was Buffalo Bill Days in Golden. We hauled Caden all over town all day long! We started with the pancake breakfast, then went to the parade, and then spent the rest of the afternoon at Grammy and Papa's condo with some friends. C was a SUPER CHAMP! He was in a great mood (helps when you sleep through the night!! Yes, your read that correctly, our little man slept from 9:00-5:45 in his crib, by himself that night!), ate and slept well and on the go, laughed, giggled, and put on a good show for all the people we saw. Here are some pictures of, what is sure to be, the first of many Buffalo Bill Days for Caden.

Having pancakes with Daddy

Firemen make good pancakes!

Snuggling with Great Gramps

Dancing and giggling with Great Gram

Our family in front of one of the fire trucks

I tried to dress him up in uniform but he was having none of it!

Caden spent the first part of the parade eating...

the next part watching very intently, and then finally slept in Grammy's arms (I missed that photo opportunity).

Once again, I was reminded of how much I love our little town. The weather was beautiful, the scenery was gorgeous, and we were able to see so many of our friends in one place. I ran into lots of people from school that hadn't seen Caden since he was 3 weeks old, and lots of my Facebook "friends" from high school that had never met C in person. I'm so excited to raise our family in this wonderful town. It's beautiful (I know I often take that for granted), but most importantly, it still has the "smallish" town feel that I love. Caden is a lucky little guy to grow up in Golden, CO - Jeremy and I know that first hand!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cool Shades

All cool dudes need some cool shades!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Yesterday my mom and I took Caden to his first Gymboree class. The closest Gymboree is in Boulder (about a 30 min. drive). They have a class for 0-6 month olds and I thought it would be fun to get out, meet some other new moms, and work on strengthening some of C's muscles. The first class was free, so I figured if we crashed and burned, as least I didn't waste any money! I think we will wait a few more weeks before we go back - at least until he can stay awake the entire 45 min. class, actually look in the mirror during tummy time instead of laying on it, and pay attention to the cute little songs I was singing him. We did get some fun pictures though - beware, there are a lot!

Laying on his blanket, getting ready for class to start
I believe I'm singing the ol' favorite, "Peanut, peanut butter...jelly!"
I'm now trying to get him to look at me instead of the pretty lady next to us

Tummy Time - starting out ok he's drooling and laying on the mirror instead of looking in it. He's about done with Gymboree at this point

The parachute did him in. He did NOT like playing peek-a-boo with me. He wanted to go to sleepy! We packed up a few minutes later :)

Chillin' in the Bumbo

Caden is doing so well holding up his head that we decided to put him in his Bumbo seat

Anybody seen his neck?!?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Couldn't You Just Eat Him Up?

No words are necessary, just take a look!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Anniversaries, Trucks, and Hands, Oh My!

This has been a big week for us!
On Monday, Jeremy and I celebrated our 7th anniversary! We celebrated with an entire night out on the town. Grammy and Papa stayed at our house to take care of Caden and Belle and we went downtown (Golden, that is!) to the Table Mountain Inn. That is the hotel where we spent our wedding night, and we thought it would be fun to go there for a night away, without being TOO far from our babies. We had a great time - champagne, nachos, and lights out at 8:45 for 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Wow! Thanks mom and dad for giving us a night away, and to my sweet hubby for 7 years of wedded bliss - 7 year itch? I don't think so!

A toast before we leave!

JZ has been in the market for a truck...forever, I think. A few years ago he went through a quarter-life crisis and got himself a sporty little Lexus. Fun, but not very practical. Even though it is all-wheel drive, it does not do well in the snow, he can't (or at least he doesn't) take it up skiing, and it barely fits the three of us, let alone the stroller, diaper bag, etc. He recently decided he was ready for a truck - one that fits all of us and all our stuff. Long story short, I think he has made a deal to trade Lexi in and has found his perfect truck. It's a silver Toyota Tacoma, and that's all I know. He could tell you more details than I can. All I know is that it has four doors, it's pretty, and Caden seems to like it. We haven't signed any papers yet, but it looks like it will be in our garage soon. Men!

Sitting in Daddy's new truck!

The end of the smile I got when I said, "Caden, do you like Daddy's new truck?"

Caden has also found his hands. He loves to try to stick his whole fist in his mouth at once, but he forgets to swallow while doing it, and he drools all over himself. Fun trick, but kind of messy! He also does not like when I put socks on his hands at night (so he doesn't scratch his pretty face!). Sock fuzz does not taste as good as skin!

Caden is also getting this sleep thing down - much to the relief of mommy and daddy! He normally sleeps about 9 hours with only one 30 min. feeding in the middle. He actually slept through the night once (9:00-5:30), but he's not quite ready to do that consistently. Also, according to the books I've read, "sleeping through the night" is a 6 hour stretch. Who's night is that? Not mine! I'm not going to count it until he goes 8 hours. That is closer to my night!

Sweet boy is doing great. He is only fussy when he is hungry or tired. Me too! We are enjoying being parents more and more everyday. Thank you to those of you that have called and written to let me know that I'm not the only one to throw some pity parties. You are right, it totally gets better and is worth it. I'm actually finding myself being a little sad that he is able to soothe and entertain himself a little more on his own now, and doesn't seem to need me as much. Just a little sad though - it sure is nice to shower, do laundry, AND cook dinner all in one day!

Friday, July 10, 2009

An Oldie But Still a Goodie

In honor of Caden's two month birthday, I finally figured out how to upload a beautiful picture/video montage that Kim made of Caden's birth. Turn up the sound on your computer, grab a kleenex (OK, at least I always need one) and enjoy...

Thank you Kim! We love having such a beautiful memory of that day!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

So Happy to be 2 Months Old!

Yesterday Caden turned two months old. He is so excited to be a big boy, see...

Today we took him for his 2 month well baby check up. He was such a good boy! This was the first time he had been in while he was feeling good - a much more pleasant experience! He was 11.6 pounds (43%) and 22 inches (19%). His head was 15 1/4 inches (22%) in circumference. All I can think of is how big are the babies in the 99%?!?

The doctor said Caden looked "perfect!" His circumcision looked great - she couldn't even tell he had an infection (a big relief to Daddy!) - and his thrush was all cleared up!

The worst part was, of course, the shots. He had 4 vaccinations - 3 shots and one oral - and it was AWFUL! I'm not sure if it was worse for him or me. I'm also not sure who cried more, him or me. He was happy as could be on the table and then all of a sudden he let out this horrible, painful cry that we had never heard before. Add in the big crocodile tears and I was a goner! He settled down a lot quicker then I had anticipated, ate, and has been sleeping since we got home.

All in all, a successful trip to the doctor. Here's hoping we don't have to go back until the 4 month well-baby!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tummy Time

Caden has been working on some tummy time to try to get his neck as strong as his legs.

It sure is hard work though...

Belle wonders if Caden is done with the soft palate on the floor.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


This boy just keeps getting cuter and cuter I tell you - not that I'm prejudice or anything, but seriously, check out how darling our little guy has gotten over the last few weeks...
Caden enjoyed his first 4th of July yesterday. He slept through almost all of the fireworks. He opened his eyes to peek at the grand finale. It was just too sleepy! Like a bad mommy, I did not take ONE PICTURE! I didn't realize that when we left to pick up my mom and dad from the airport that morning that I wouldn't be back home until 11:00 that night. At least I had already dressed him in his 4th of July onesie. I'm thinking of putting it back on him and recreating the moment. If I don't, what else will I put in the scrapbook?
Caden continues to eat and grow like a champ. We go in for his 2 month well baby checkup on Thursday, so I'll know his weight and length then, but we are guessing well over 10 pounds at this point. He is a solid little friend and even has calf muscles. What 2 month old has calf muscles?!? I guess it's from all the kick, kick, kicking he did in utero and since he has come out. This kiddo is strong. We're guessing soccer player, but maybe a punter....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful:

* That Caden slept for 8.5 hours last night (not in a row, we're not there yet)! He had his last bottle at 8:00, was down by 8:30, and slept until 1:00. He ate at 1:00 and was down by 1:30 and slept until 5:30. I don't know if he'll do it again tonight, but at least we know he can!

* That Caden will have so many little friends to grow up with! Ayden and Sophia Sidwell and *hopefully* Pouliot #4 will be the same age, and Ryan Montgomery and Brianna Prehm are only one year older. Lots of sweet little friends to have around and play with. My how things have changed...

* For Jeremy's job. Although I complain about the travel a lot, they have really been good to us and him. We have gotten a lot of benefits from this gig, including travel opportunities, and the opportunity for me to stay home next year. While the economy has really hit the higher education field hard, and that makes selling them anything difficult, JZ still has a job, and a lot of people are not that lucky.

* For the weather. All the rain we've had can be a drag, but it sure is pretty around here! It also beats the heat my parents have been having down in FL. The heat index has been through the roof!

* For our cute little town. When JZ and I got married we swore we would not go back to Golden - we both grew up here and we thought that would be a step backwards. That lasted 9 months and then we were back - not because we had to, but because we wanted to. Today when the four of us went downtown to walk along Clear Creek, have lunch, and watch the kayakers, I was reminded of how much I love G-town!

* For our independence and freedom. Happy July 4th!

* That Caden just put himself to sleep in the swing (we'll work on getting into his crib later on. For now, I'm thrilled if he can put himself to sleep without me having to rock him). I'm off to take a shower!

Are you thankful for anything?!?

Making New Friends

Yesterday Caden made some new friends - the bears on the mobile above his Pack N Play! He thought they were very nice and he smiled and talked to them for a long time (of course I missed that on the video). He also showed off his strong leg muscles and kick, kick, kicked for them.

Check it out...