Sunday, July 26, 2009

Buffalo Bill Days

This weekend was Buffalo Bill Days in Golden. We hauled Caden all over town all day long! We started with the pancake breakfast, then went to the parade, and then spent the rest of the afternoon at Grammy and Papa's condo with some friends. C was a SUPER CHAMP! He was in a great mood (helps when you sleep through the night!! Yes, your read that correctly, our little man slept from 9:00-5:45 in his crib, by himself that night!), ate and slept well and on the go, laughed, giggled, and put on a good show for all the people we saw. Here are some pictures of, what is sure to be, the first of many Buffalo Bill Days for Caden.

Having pancakes with Daddy

Firemen make good pancakes!

Snuggling with Great Gramps

Dancing and giggling with Great Gram

Our family in front of one of the fire trucks

I tried to dress him up in uniform but he was having none of it!

Caden spent the first part of the parade eating...

the next part watching very intently, and then finally slept in Grammy's arms (I missed that photo opportunity).

Once again, I was reminded of how much I love our little town. The weather was beautiful, the scenery was gorgeous, and we were able to see so many of our friends in one place. I ran into lots of people from school that hadn't seen Caden since he was 3 weeks old, and lots of my Facebook "friends" from high school that had never met C in person. I'm so excited to raise our family in this wonderful town. It's beautiful (I know I often take that for granted), but most importantly, it still has the "smallish" town feel that I love. Caden is a lucky little guy to grow up in Golden, CO - Jeremy and I know that first hand!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Sounds like I missed a great time! Glad you guys had fun. Hopefully I won't be out of town next year.